Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dog Face

Speaking of Ingrates... We have a new commenter Dog Face. He probably needs to learn to comment on applicable blogs. I don't appreciate Gomez or Air Supply slander taking the attention off of Neil. Shame on you Dog Face.


Spammon said...

Wow, that's a face made for radio. Air Supply? Who knocks on Air Supply? They are the white equivalent of the Righteous Brothers!

Dogface said...

Look man, a little is fine, but a lot is alot, thats all I'm saying.

As for taking away from Neil, I would hope KG would now better than to ever calssify dogface as a Neil disrespecter. Who was as that magical moment you had with wheels? For a moment I thought you were talking about me and you looking into each others eyes when Neil came out on stage.

As for posting correctly sorry, that was my first blog ever, and this just may be my last, life aint easy for a dogface boy.

brohammas said...

yeah Cap, we endured your U2 sucks post, where I was called out by name for heaven's sake, take it easy on the puppy.

On a more serious note, my mp3 player may have died yesterday and I can find no bottle of pills large enough, or object sharp enough, to help me join it in th egrave.

Maybe I have some lighter fluid in the basement...

Corbie said...

Dogface...KG has been being mean to me too and I have the cajones to stick around...don't be such a pansy.

brohammas said...

Dude! Corbie has cajones!? I think you dodged a bullet there Cap.

kg said...

Don't worry Dog Face won't be back. We don't need him around these parts anyway. We have a fine enough dysfunctional family as it is.

Brohammas - Corbie does indeed have cajones. Remember her husband is Hispanic and she goes by the code name "ball buster" so do the math. And if we keep mocking her not only will she have cajones she'll have some balls, nards, and testes.

brohammas said...

Dude, thats better than three nipples. what would we do with all those things in one package?

Corbie said...

I don't know Brohammas and KG, what do you do with all those things in one package? Please enlighten us (and enlighten dogface too, because clearly he is missing one or more of these items).

And three nipples is SO much better. The baby can eat and everyone else can be happy too - it really is nature going oh so very right.

I am done being vulgar now...Brohammas you are going to have to up the ante if you are going to dabble in political incorrectness but it was a good start...for a girl.

Corbie said...

That was good, Brohammas. A step in the right direction for sure. Well played.

Does anyone think dogface is coming back? I miss him and his crying already.