This is 3 year old Sweet Pea (she informed me on Sunday that she didn't like being called "Poops" any more and I could call her "Sweetie" or "Sweet Pea") getting ready for her 3rd day of pre-school... I thought I was safe from this for at least 10 more years. Oh how I look forward to the early morning fights between her and Toots over the limited bathroom counter space...
What are you talking about no counter space??? They have vast amounts stretching out forever on either side of the sink. No counter space would be having to set the dryer down INSIDE the sink while you adjust the brush in your hair...this sound so familiar to me.
And next time you take her to pre-school, make damn sure you intimidate all those boys. Let them know that your little girl isn't just another pretty face off the street.
Are you mocking our luxurious master bath? Why are you putting the dryer in the sink when there is a huge tub next to the sink in which the dryer could rest easily? Then put your hair care products on the toilet, hang your straightener on the shower and you are good to go.
Yes, yes I am. Those are all good suggestions except if I put the hairdryer in the tub, I couldn't reach to the bottom to retrieve it, I can't reach the top of the shower to hang my hair straightener (remember all of my 5' stature), and the toilet is right out as you will most likely be sitting on it.
Wheels - I too have to do the risky blow dryer in the sink maneuver and everytime I do it I picture a lone drop of water leaking out of the tap into the dryer and then me winding up electrocuted. The life of a woman is far too dangerous. I did notice in the picture, however, that she is using some top quality hair spray. I plan on buying my daughter that cheap purple Aussie grape-smelling stuff that leaves white flakes in your bangs - there has to be some kind of sacrifice for having more counter space than the woman who gave birth to you.
Fine, if you don't have any room in the master bath you should get ready in the kitchen. TONS of counter space...
Corbie-I too have a fear of that lone drop of water! Which is another reason I won't put it in the tub. I have seen a vision of the hairdryer being in the tub and Priscilla coming in and turning on the tap saying, "Look mom! That's cool!" as sparks fly.
KG-I COULD get ready in the kitchen, as long as the fridge, dishwasher and oven aren't open all at the same time. I wouldn't even be able to get into the kitchen. Oh and I need a mirror you silly man.
Wheels - Tin foil, my friend, I think it is our only option. Plus, I'm thinking if I crinkle it just right, it could take off 10 years from my sun-worshipping wrinkled face - like a fun house mirror. The kitchen it is! Plus, then we could closet eat without anyone being too suspicious and never have to look at the toilets that have pee all over them.
LOL (yes I use LOL, thank you spammon for clearing up the level usage awhile ago and I refuse to let flanksteak embarrass me out of using it). Tin foil? Brilliant! Not only will I not have to look at the pee stained toilet, but I also can leave without my feet covered in small, black body hairs from my shedding husband. Sorry, Kirk...it's inevitable they find out. Sun? Hm...I can't seem to remember what that is.
Also, the hairspray was a gift from my younger, much classier sister. Just wanted to clear that up.
I think it was actually me who made the LOL comment - can my punishment be that I admit that it is cute when you use it just not when Ammon uses it because I think he is lying? At least the hair on the bathroom floor stuck to your feet is Kirk's - in ours it is mine. What the hell is with the hormones that make your head shed large quantities and the rest of your body grow extra?. I mean if my lip wanted to be warm I would happily buy it a scarf.
hair spray???
This may sound odd, but possibly on subject and it seems I have two qualified experts fequenting the comment section here;
Do you ever put lotion in your hair?
I am no expert on the mornig/preening rituals of women in general, except one, and she is from a different planet than us all. I have never seen such an act, but have now witnessed it on a regular basis from both my wife and all th eothers from the land in which she hails.
We now have two little ones and the conflict has already arisen... I would think hairspray but the boss says "lotion".
O great muses of beauty share with me your wisdom.
No seriously, real question.
Dalin - I stopped washing my hair regularly the minute I got married (no more motivation at that point) so I do not know the answer to your question. Hairspray, lotion, toothpaste - my husband would probably just be happy with some type of grooming attempt. Sounds like the females in your house are at least maintaining some level of dignity by giving it the old college try - how I wish I could relate.
Wait - I did just think of one of my odd hair rituals. When it is staticky (sp?) - a dryer sheet rubbed over it works wonders! That's all I've got - you'll have to ask Wheels for help on the lotion issue because she probably bathes regularly.
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