Thursday, April 16, 2009

News and Whimsy

Thanks again to Robyn for the guest playlist yesterday. I have enjoyed the guest columns very much and have decided that each Wednesday will now be 'Playlist Wednesday' on the Skog Blog. Hopefully I will get a Skog Blog reader to pick a theme and provide a playlist, if not, I will create one. Lots of good possibilities there I think.

Anyway, on to the News and Whimsy...


This Saturday, April 18th, is Independent Record Store Day. I'm not going to pretend like I don't ever buy CDs from Best Buy or Target but if you are in the market for a new album, Saturday is the day to support your local indie shops. Most of the stores have special in store performances (such as Brandi Carlile performing at the UofU Graywhale location) as well as special albums, t-shirts and items only available to the non chain record stores.


Just a couple of links tonight -

What happens when you mix Sponge Bob, Sir Mix-a-lot and the creepy Burger King guy? The world's most bizarre commercial.

Many of you have probably already seen this but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I love the fact that everyone was ready to mock this woman who was trying out for 'Britian's Got Talent' but instead were treated to the finest rendition of I Dreamed a Dream since Neil Diamond recorded it. For all of you that thought the Skog Blog was just about depressing music, here's your feel good story of the week.


brohammas said...

gotta tell ya, this commercial pissed me off.

I recognize the humor and love a 99cent kids meal...
but a marketing scheme with a kids cartoon that objectifies women, that would make my daughter think it is funny and cute for her butt to be the center of male amusement, makes me want to never eat there again.

call me overly sensative, prudish, or uptight, but my little girl is bombarded with this crap. I am forced to take so much care of what she is exposed too, and in that light, it does matter.

kg said...

I agree with you man. Wheels and I watched it with our mouths wide open in shock and horror. Who would have thought this would be a good idea for a commercial?

Corbie said...

That's funny...I also referred to that rendition of I Dreamed A Dream as the best since Neil Diamond on someone else's blog. Great minds...

kg said...

Someone else's blog? You are cheating on the Skog Blog? How dare you!

Corbie said...

Sweet little Mindy Saxey likes the same music that I do...occasionally I gotta get my fix, KG.

kg said...

Dang that Mindy and her fantastic Dibble Scribbles. I checked out her blog like 3 days ago and she hadn't posted for awhile. I guess I should return there.

Mindy said...

Okay...3 things.
1. brohammas: I had issues with this ad campaign as well.I haved lurked on your blog long enough to completely understand why you would want to protect that little beauty. And I would promise to never eat there again in support if their blasted fries didn't affect me like some salty cocaine.

2. Corbie and KG both commenting on my blog and also talking about my blog on other blogs?.....I feel like the nerdy art girl in glasses who finally gets accidentally bumped into by the Homecoming Queen and the Quarterback. Ahhhh..insecurity.

3. KG: If you don't give me the details on Miss Brandi Carlile immediately I will hunt you
down and choke you with your own Yerba Mate'

Corbie said...

That's so funny Mindy because I was going to track down the Brandi info and send it to you but A) I'm too lazy to have tracked it down yet and B) I was dreading logging into Facebook to send you an email again because for some reason that site is so dang tedious (okay, again, laziness). But does it count that I thought of you (twice) even when KG has mentioned it via blog and email?

As for insecurities, we are just both hoping to entice the cool Mindy into joining us in our debates about music - we all know your taste in artists is impeccable (and matches mine very closely :).

kg said...

Mindy - the only QB'ing I have ever done since elementary school was on the Nintendo, Playstation or Xbox so I think you have me mistaken for someone much cooler.

Speaking of cool - Brandi Carlile - tomorrow - 2pm at the Graywhale CD located at 208 South and 1300 East. Most importantly - Acoustic and FREE!

Corbie said...

Don't forget fantasy football, KG - you did win a couple of years in a row (how much do you think Brohammas will hate my acting like FF is the real deal?).

Mindy said...

Will Graywhale let me park a mini-van in their parking lot?
Thanks for the info.

kg said...

Absolutely. Hopefully if my day turns out nicely I'll be parking my sweet van next to yours. The last instore I went to was none other then Mr. Pete Yorn and Wheels and I took P when she was 2 and nobody cared.

Nobody cared that P was there not nobody cared that Pete Yorn was there. Just had to take that joke off of the platter that had been served up for Corbie to mock Mr. Yorn.

Corbie said...

Well, since you didn't care that P was there and Wheels didn't care that P was there...who else would have cared?

Mindy said...

Just found out Brandi has moved the performance to Sunday afternoon at Graywhale.
If I didn't have Sharing Time tomorrow....*small tear*

Mindy said...

I of course, meant Sunday.

brohammas said...

salty cocaine is what we would call "tainted" around here and would probably get you shot. Now "sugary" cocaine is call Krispy Kreme and will also get you shot, but only if you don't share.
As to your stalking, Mindy, you are welcome to chime in any time you like... unless its regarding Cor... wait, we had a truce, nevermind (thanks though, I think my girls are cute).