A Camp - Colonia
You might recognize the sweet face on the cover of this album. Think about it... I'll wait. We have all day. The correct answer is Nina Persson, the lovely and talented lead singer of Skog Blog favorite, The Cardigans. Most of you will recall that I am a big fan of all things Swedish Pop as long as it doesn't involve Ace of Base so it should not surprise you that I have taken a liking to this side project of Ms. Persson.
A Camp has a bit of a different sound than The Cardigans. More of a 60's girl group with a hint of twang. This is probably the closest thing to 'country and western' that will ever be acclaimed on this here blog. Sadly, the band was in town on Monday night but because of fevers, pink eye and other fun things brought to us by life, I was unable to attend. Hopefully this post will make some amends and allow us all to heal.

Speaking of borderline country, Hem is an indie/folk band that deserves to be on the top of the charts, whether it be country, pop, adult contemporary or heavy metal - they are a band that should be heard. I first stumbled upon them when I downloaded their single, Sailor, and immediately fell in love with the voice of lead singer, Sally Ellyson. It is unique and not polished but is one that you'll want to hear repeatedly. Other standout songs from this album are Stupid Mouth Shut and Lazy Eye, although you should really give the entire album a spin and then spread the word of the Gospel of Hem.
I love Sally's voice also.
The Cardigans suck balls so badly that I've considered boycotting Mr. Rogers just because of their name but A Camp is pretty good (and yet their name sucks balls)
new favorites.
Hey Corbie, tell us how you really feel.
Mindy: The guy said terrible, terrible things about Stevie Nicks yesterday...he has this abuse coming to him.
'Tis true, I did indeed say terrible things about Stevie Nicks yesterday AFTER your abuse of The Cardigans. I had nothing coming my way - these were just mean spirited attacks at an underrated band.
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