Sunday, December 6, 2009

Cover Song Saturday Night

Here are a couple of Christmas covers for you.  First a new Last Christmas version by the cast of Glee followed by Mr. Manilow singing one of my all time favorite Christmas tunes.


brohammas said...

Have to admit I am generally not a GLee fan. I must admit it has a spooky resemblence to Broomhead, Tim Carter, Laura James, and Pete Bradford... as in in "While these events are fictional, the characters are baised on actual people."


Corbie said...

Glee and Barry Manilow? That might be the worst imaginable combination I've ever seen. Ever.

kg said...

Bro - The teacher is totally Gordon Paul Broomhead and is one of the reasons I do like the show.

Corbie - Didn't you just take the LSAT? Come on, the correct response to the question, "What is the worst imaginable combination?" of course is Brooks and Dunn. I remember you said on Robyn's blog that you like Glee. Liar.

Corbie said...

I did like Glee for a minute - I found the whole 'If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it' episode hilarious. But then later, after not being able to get through subsequent episodes, I realized I'm 'over it' and haven't watched it since...which reminds me that I need to stop my DVR from recording it because it is taking up valuable space that could be used for more respectable programming like Grey's Anatomy and American Idol.

kg said...

Whoops, my mistake. The correct answer to my question above was Grey's Anatomy and American Idol. My apologies to Brooks and/or Dunn.

Corbie said...

Brooks and Dunn recently split up, KG - way to trample on the grave of the best duo since The Bellamy Brothers.

brohammas said...

How can you like a show because its Broomhead when while you had the actual BRoomhead you went to great lengths to make it seam you did NOT like him? I'm sure he still has nightmarse about you, Steve, and Hagoth.

Funny story, A guy I know out here had him as an advisor at BYU and did not like him.
He said Broom used to talk all the time of the success he had with the "rough" kids from the bad parts of town... trying to teach how to teach to urban youth.
Rough? who? George Burke? Ben Wright? John Wright?
The roughest guy he had to deal with lived one street over from him.
Maybe he meant rough in comparison to Provo? Or maybe he was talking about how I sucker punched him during the filming of our choir video right after he said my name and he had to introduce everyone else after with his wind knocked out?

kg said...

Come on, just like the character on the show Broom was a bit of a dorky guy who thought he was hip and cared a little too much but deep down was actually kind of cool. He also used rap music to try and prove his coolness. Don't you remember the time he played "Parents Just Don't Understand" and followed it up with a lecture about how they DO understand and if they don't then he does? haha. The only difference really is that his wife wasn't faking a pregnancy and planning on adopting the love child of the head cheerleader. At least as far as I knew. If that was the case then my sister Kim has a lot of explaining to do.